Donald Trump, tired of threatening to invade Venezuela, nuke North Vietnam, or appoint Boris Johnson PM of GB, last week launched a new round of brinkmanship with the rulers of Iran.
What is he proposing to do? Can he do it?
US presidential circus episode 4
Two weeks ago in Michigan, a state that used to make America’scars, Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton in the state’s presidential primary -- which should have been huge news. As usual, the TV and print media led with the more hairy news – that Trump won Michigan’s Republican primary.
Read More“If US aid was cut back to the last dollar, 50 cents of it would still find its way into the generals’ pockets”
March, 1975
Note from PF in 2014: Philip Brooks wrote these anonymous dispatches for The Digger, with James Shuvus Williamson, while the two of them lived on the edge and sometimes on the run.
March 18 was the fifth anniversary of the coup that made General Lon Nol premier of Cambodia. Backed by the CIA and the American government Lon Nol declared war on the Khmer Rouge, a war that has been fought by conscripts with American weapons and ever-diminishing food and arms. On March 15, a Digger correspondent flew into Phnom Penh for several days and returned the following impressions.