The Loser-In-Chief hits the canvas — frothing blood sweat and Covid
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the US Presidential election by over six million votes. Unlike preceding Democratic vote winners Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, they also won the Electoral College vote. The Electoral College was set up in the late 1700s when states with legalized slavery demanded more seats in Congress and more say in choosing Presidents as their price for joining the Union. Biden and Harris will be inaugurated as the new President and Vice President on 20 January.
This drawing of Trump’s third year as President is just one of hundreds of extraordinary drawing by Steve Brodner who 20 years ago drew for the newsletter I published in New York, The Hightower Lowdown. These days Steve draws for the best magazines in America, Hightower still puts out the Lowdown from Texas, and I write things from Mullumbimby, down the road from Billinudgel.
Why does Trump keep carrying on?
Because he considers losing impossible; because he always wanted to tear down America’s weirdly complex political system, because complexity is too hard and because he believes he has more rights than anyone else – and some governments do not share that belief.
But, now that it’s clear to most people who can tie their shoelaces that Trump lost...and now that 30 judges have thrown out more than 30 lawsuits Trump’s gang of lawyers had thrown up...and now that more than 100 chief executives of Big Corporations have told Emily Murphy, head of the General Services Administration, that they won’t fund Republican candidates until she hands over the keys to Biden/Harris…NEWSFLASH: Ms Murphy caved today, beginning the formal transfer of power from Trump to the Biden administration.
The jig’s up! What next?
Some Republicans keep licking his Tweeter because he has over a hundred million social media followers, a big chunk of whom are weaponized, meaning eager to obey him, and that’s a huge political movement. Obama has more followers and Biden’s outreach is soaring, but their connections are public relations, not personal. Trump might use his pseudo-personal fanbase to become Fuhrer in 2024 and, if not him, one of his spawn, or Tucker Carlson, or someone else who’s licking their chops.
Meanwhile all politicos are obsessed on 5 January when both of Georgia’s US Senate seats are up for election – if the Dems win they control the Senate and President Biden will achieve ten times more than if they don’t. Today, CNN announced Republicans have booked more than $77 million in ads for these two runoff elections, and they need Trump campaigning in Georgia.
Trump is setting up deals like bonding Netanyahu with Mohammed Bin Salman to screw the Palestinians and Iran, before Biden can take over and screw them a tad less brutally. He’s begun filling his top-dog positions with some OK choices, but absolutely no one that’s going to call out the fact that the U.S. spends three times as much on war (called “defense”) as China and more than 10 times as much as any other country. Total global spending on war in 2019 was $2 trillion plus, while the planet burns.
Despite all those developments above, Trump himself believes there’s still time to screw up that Electoral College thing and get the Supreme Court to give him his crown back. And for the Proud Boys to rain grenades on the Dems’ parade.
As we pull that steely knife from his over-puffed chest, we ask nervously: What’s his next move?